Here’s some links for new pictures uploaded to our Flickr site…
Some new pictures of Willy in the month of March
Scrapbook Weekend with Frania & Denise – one word… AWESOME!!! Can’t wait until next time!
Visit from Grandma & Grandpa – Visiting from Naples, we crammed a lot into one week. Totally worth it though!
Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Brandon, Will and I joined Denise & Emma downtown for the St. Patty’s Day parade.
Easter Time – Willy enjoyed seeing the Easter Bunny on Thursday and then we hid a couple eggs for him to find on Sunday.
Spring Break Visit to The Watrous’ in Wisconsin – We celebrated Ella & Arie’s 5th Birthday and went to the children’s museum!
Girls Weekend with Laurie & Heather – We spent two nights in Delavan, WI just being lazy girls… movies, pedicures, and lots of snacks. It ended up getting cut short for me due to Willy’s illness, but was still a great, relaxing time.