I can’t believe it’s almost June already!!! CRAZINESS! Us Coats’ have been busy! Will and I went to Hilton Head, Brandons been in Arizona it seems like all month, camping trips, visiting Galena, baby showers, losing Bama, and more have all kept us on our toes.
Yes, Bama is gone. Her new family came to pick her up Wednesday morning. That’s not to say I’m 100% positive she won’t be coming back, but I hope they are ready for her and will love and keep her with them.
I’m now 20 weeks pregnant which is the 1/2 way mark. I feel great other than a little cold that seems to have caught me. We have an ultrasound in 3 weeks where we intend to find out the sex of the baby, if it cooperates! We decided it would just be easier to plan this time around if we knew. Even I’m anxious to find out and I was dead set against finding out with Will!
I’m in the process of posting a ton of new pictures to our Flickr site (check out the link on the right) so make sure you take a look!
Love and miss you all!! XOXO