We had our ultrasound today with Baby #2. First they do all of their measurements and of course that seemed to take FOREVER. The ultrasound tech was having a little trouble due to a squiggly baby. Just like Willy! She eventually said “I think it’s a girl.” When she was down in that area doing measurements, she didn’t see any extra apendages, but she couldn’t say 100% that it was a girl. By the time she went back to double check and show us, the baby was laying on its stomach (as the picture shows – face down like her Momma likes to sleep!) and she couldn’t see anything. But she did sound pretty sure of herself when she said again “I think it’s a girl.” We have been feeling girl all along so I’m going with it. I won’t be out buying anything pink just yet, but I’m sure we’ll be calling the baby “she” and “her” from here on out (sorry if you’re a boy!!).
I asked Brandon if he was excited and he replied “we have to buy all new stuff.” I said “not really! What do we have to buy?” His response? “GIRL JUNK. There’s gonna be pink stuff all over the house. I hate pink.” I love my husband. Deep down I think he’s glad to have a little girl to spoil.
Everything looked good. The measurements showed that I might be a week later than we thought (I’m 23 weeks now, but the measurements show 24 weeks). They don’t however change the due date unless it’s a 2 week difference so my due date is still 10/15. They’ll probably do another ultrasound as it gets closer to see if the baby is breech. SHE is right now, but it’s still very early. If it’s breech, they’ll schedule me for another c-section. The heartbeat was 150 BPM. My blood pressure was good. I could feel the baby moving during the ultrasound like “quit pushin’ on me!!” It was so incredible!
I’ve been feeling great. I’m having to move a little slower (which we all know I DON’T do) because I’m again getting sharp pains around my hip if I stand up too fast. Normal ligament streching, but it’s definitely not enjoyable.
So that’s that! I’m on my way to pick up Will from daycare and inform him that he’s soon to have a little sister to torture!
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