Well, high blood pressure returns. BOOOOOO! I woke up last night with a massive headache and my BP was consistently at least 150/95 for like 5 hours. No good. I went to the doctor and they want me to take a water pill for a week and see how that goes. Other than that, I’m bothered by a little back pain and trouble getting comfortable to sleep, but I can deal with it I guess. The reward for all this was good enough.
Mac went to the doctor today and has gained 3 ounces (8 pounds baby!!) so that’s good. Other than that, I’d say she’s perfect! She’s still sleeping good and is a well mannered little miss. Will unfortunately woke up yesterday with a runny nose and is now coughing and all congested. UGH. GERMS. He’s been coughing all through his nap, but hasn’t been too crabby today so at least we have that going for us!
I’m posting new pictures almost every day so be sure to check it out on Flickr!