It’s been awhile so I figured I’d let you know what’s up with the kids. Will is sleeping much better since we came home from vacation. By much better, I certainly don’t mean GOOD.
He is occasionally “sleeping” through the night now (with a few scream sessions here and there, but he puts himself back to sleep), but we still struggle with the nighttime wakings on other nights and sometimes have trouble getting him to sleep. But like I said, it’s better, so I’ll take it. His birthday was last Saturday (I can’t believe he’s two!) and because of the snow and craptastic weather we’ve had, we did a whole lot of nothing. He didn’t seem to mind though! At his 2 year checkup, he was in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. Perfection! He’s a super picky eater (gee, wonder where he gets that!) and loves cookies. He’s talking a lot more now and amazes us daily with new words (today it was “garage”! That’s a hard one!). He moved up to the Star room at daycare which is the room where they do potty training! They’ve put him on the potty already, but nothing. I’m not expecting a miracle. The other day in the tub I said “Look Will! You’re peeing!” to which he replied “NOPE!”
Mackenzie sleeps great at night. She typically gives me 7-8 hours before she wakes up around 3 or 4 to eat. Usually she goes back to bed pretty quickly, but the last couple nights she has wanted to stay up and giggle with Mommy. She’s also started not wanting to nap during the day – well, I should clarify. Make that not want to nap in her crib during the day. As long as we’re holding her she’s fine, but if we try to put her down she SCREAMS. Hopefully it’s just a little thing and she’ll get back in her old groove. And as G.G. Norma always says “If they sleep at night, you can put up with anything during the day.” Ain’t that the truth! She’s a great eater and at her 3 month checkup, she was in the 75th percentile for both height and weight! She does the goo goo baby talk that just melts your heart and giggles and smiles a ton. Also on Monday, she rolled over! I think it was a total fluke because if I remember correctly Will didn’t do that until like 5 or 6 months old, but I put her down in her crib on her belly and when I went to go get her she was face up!
For those of you who don’t live in Illinois, the weather here sucks. I’m sure you’ve heard that we’re having the coldest temperatures that we’ve had in 10 years. I think the high today was like -9 or something. It’s -13 as I sit and type this… and that’s without the wind chill. Makes me wish we HAD stayed in Arizona! We’re supposed to have more of the same tomorrow but then a warm up next week (wooo, 30 degrees!).
I’ve posted a lot of pictures on the Flickr site so be sure to check it out (link above and to the left if you’re looking at the website). I have tons of great video to upload… I just need to find the time.
Miss you all!! XOXOXO