I went to the doctor today and all is well. The heartrate was about 147-155 and my blood pressure was a little high, but nothing to worry about at this point. However, Baby #2 is breech! Taking after her big brother already I guess! They want to redo my last ultrasound because they didn’t get all of the views of the heart that they wanted. So we’ll do that on Thursday and they’ll also check the position of the baby and confirm the sex. If the baby is still breech, they’ll do another ultrasound at 36 weeks. If she’s still breech at that point, they’ll schedule my c-section for 39 weeks (about October 8th). If she happens to turn before that time, then I can still try to go au natural (which I was hoping to do this time around). I’m a little bummed that she’s breech, but I fully prepared myself for the fact that I might have to have another c-section so I’m really okay with it.
Everyone send vibes my way to get that kid to flip!